Tyleach Watkins's PledgePage
Yes, the rumors are TRUE!! I AM GOING TO WALK A 1/2 MARATHON ON JUNE 23rd!!
What? Yes I KNOW a 1/2 marathon is 13.1 miles… Hey -- Stop laughing already, I'm really going to do it this time! I've signed up with the Maryland Chapter of Team in Training to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I know that this is a serious undertaking but I’m willing to take it on because I believe in the cause – to raise funds for research to find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and Hodgkin’s Disease. These funds are used not only to find a way to save lives, but also to improve the quality of life for patients and their families now. All of you know that I always say that people need to stop waiting to see what others will do. Rather, they should jump in themselves and DO something. So I’m doing something that I know will change things. The research funded by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has helped increase the survival rate for victims of these diseases from 4% in 1960 to nearly 80% today. 75 CENTS OF EACH DOLLAR DONATED to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society goes toward continuing that life-saving research. Why is this so important to me? Why will I be giving up sleeping late on Saturdays and putting in more hours at the gym? I’m glad you asked! First, there is a little boy named Justin Knight who wants to be a singer, a preacher, and a veterinarian. In March 2002, at the age of 10, he celebrated his 1st year of remission from acute lymphocytic leukemia. I want to walk to help fund research so that Justin and others like him can be successfully treated and maybe even cured of these diseases. Second, I want to raise the awareness of leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and all other cancers to my community at large. I think many of you know someone or know of someone that has been stricken by these diseases. We need to be aware of them and come together as a community to help to find a cure. Third, I want to raise awareness of blood-related cancers to the minority community. We as minorities don’t think of these diseases as those affecting our community, but that is far from the truth. In fact, myeloma occurs at a higher rate in African Americans than in other races. And finally, I want to walk in the memory of my Aunt Shirley Grimes who succumbed to cancer in January 2003 after a 10-year fight. Although she did not have a blood-related cancer, I believe that she and all other cancer patients have in some way benefited by the research funded by this organization. So how can you help? Well, aside from your prayers and encouragement, you can help me raise $4600.00 in donations for this worthy cause. (You knew it was coming) Any donation amount will be accepted, however please consider a donation level of $50 or $100. I know it seems like a lot, but it is 100% tax deductible. Also, check to see if your employer has a matching gift fund program – if so – get a form from them and send it back to me. Please share this weblink with everyone you know and encourage them to donate as well. Every little bit will help. Thank you so much for your support!!! Don't forget to sign the guestbook! Ty P. S. If you'd like to keep track of how I'm doing -- please come back and check out my diary! |