Mayor’s Midnight Sun Half-Marathon, Anchorage, Alaska June 23, 2007
Please return this form along with a check or money order by April 6, 2007 to Tyleach Watkins 2 Gwynnswood Rd. Owings Mills, MD. 21117 Donation Levels: Pay by the mile with a smile: ____ $13.10 ($1 per mile) ____ $26.20 ($2 per mile) ____ $39.30 ($3 per mile) ____ $52.40 ($4 per mile) ____ $65.50 ($5 per mile) Train with me for 21 weeks by giving up a weekly vice! ____ $26.25 ($1.25 soda or candy bar) ____ $73.50 ($3.50 People magazine) ____ $84.00 ($4.00 cup Starbucks) ____ $126.00 ($6.00 value meal at Burger King) ____ Other – Please write in Amt:______ Make checks payable to: LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA SOCIETY. If paying by credit card please provide the following information: Card Type: __________________________________________ Card #: ____________________ Exp. Date: _______________ Name as it appears on card: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Please provide this information so that I can send you a thank you card for your support! Name (printed): ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________ Want to donate online? click on this web site: THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! |